Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help. Everything you need to know about SerVme, pricing, integrations and more.

Have questions? We’re here to help. Everything you need to know about SerVme, pricing, integrations and more.

General Questions

General Questions

Can I get a free demo?

Do you have a free trial?

Do you offer onboarding and support?

What is Servme best known for?

What is Servme best known for?

Which type of clients does Servme service?

Which countries do you serve?

restaurant management

restaurant management

Does Servme charge for online bookings?

How does Servme generate bookings and fill seats?

How can I manage my bookings in Servme?

Can I manage and track my online events on Servme?

Does Servme offer marketing tools?

How can I reduce the number of no-show guests at my restaurant(s)?

Can I use Servme to manage multiple restaurants or a large group?

Does Servme offer a digital menu?

How can I access Servme?



Does Servme integrate with point of sale systems?

How do I know which integration is best suited for my operations?

Does Servme offer open APIs?



How much does it cost to use SerVme?

How can I pay for SerVme?

Can I upgrade my current payment plan?

Turn your first time guests into VIPs
Turn your first time guests into VIPs

If you have more questions, get in touch with our team.

If you have more questions, get in touch with our team.